Farm Data Ecosystems (FDE) are designed to provide growers and agronomists with the most relevant information at the right time to enhance the decision making process throughout the season. Traditionally, only the data entered into FDEs by users directly or through bespoke machinery data integrations, can be used as decision support information. In a ground-breaking first for agriculture, Agworld has decided to raise the bar for the industry and open up the Agworld Ecosystem to third party contextual data with a new Frames by Agworld API.
Frames by Agworld offers providers of any data driven equipment or service the opportunity to display contextual data within the Agworld interface to all Agworld users working with a farming company, including agronomists, contractors and others. Frames are displayed in the context of Agworld's existing interface, so a field, season or lat/long location for example. Frames are displayed to users on both the Agworld iPad and iPhone applications in their linked context. Frames by Agworld are interactive and can interact with other Agworld API’s. As Frames by Agworld ‘display’ instead of ‘read and understand’ third party data, the technical workload for third party integrators is minimal.

Agworld Chief Product Officer Matt Collins: “The aim of Agworld is to provide our users with as much information as possible in order to help them make the most informed decisions. We continue to see more market fragmentation when it comes to the wide range of in-field IOT devices, and other sources of information to growers and agronomists.”
Matt continues: “One of the main complaints from Agworld users is that they don’t want to use a plethora of apps and web applications each day, and instead want to be able to visualise additional data sources where they need it most: on Agworld as it is the platform they use for making their crop management decisions. On the other hand, many niche-providers of IOT devices and other data sources cannot afford to create bespoke data-driven integrations with farm management platforms. We have solved both these issues with the introduction of Frames by Agworld.”

Contextual data in Frames by Agworld can take many forms, including chemical shed inventory, crop growth metrics, commodity prices, and any other sources of data deemed useful and relevant by third party integrators and their grower clients. Examples of sensors that can have their data outputs displayed in Frames by Agworld include soil moisture sensors, weather stations, animal health trackers, trough or water tank sensors, and any other IOT enabled device.
Agworld CEO Doug Fitch comments: “The Agworld ecosystem continues to grow strongly, both from a client and ecosystem partner perspective. With the new Frames by Agworld API we have created a quick, easy and low-threshold way for third parties to become Agworld enabled and have data displayed to their clients within the Agworld ecosystem. The amount of positive feedback we have received from both growers and third party data providers after initial discussions has been overwhelming and I’m confident that Frames by Agworld will change the way we see collaborations, integrations and the way growers and agronomists access relevant data during their decision making processes.”
For more questions about Frames by Agworld you can contact us on