2021 saw Agworld make a strong push in creating integrations with a wide variety of soil labs throughout North America, in order to service Agworld’s rapidly growing base of users. Most agronomists start their season by sampling their soil in order to ‘know what’s there’ and how to shape their plan going into the coming season; with fertilizer prices at 20-year highs, knowing your soil in order to maximize the return on investment for every dollar you spend on fertilizer is now more important than ever.
Having a robust process in place with a highly-automated workflow is key during sampling season, and Agworld has now made this process even easier for clients of Lethbridge, AB, based Down to Earth Labs and Pleasanton, NE, based Regen Ag Labs through a data integration with both these laboratory service providers.
The integrations between Down to Earth Labs, Regen Ag Labs and Agworld is live and ready to be used just like any other laboratory that is integrated with Agworld, with users able to use the integration for both single-depth and multi-depth samples.

Sampling workflow
The Agworld sampling workflow is created to assist growers and their advisors with their sampling activities for which they use the Agworld app on their iPad when in the field. Before starting the sampling process, Agworld users can create sampling jobs from the Agworld website. Here they select point or grid sampling, select the fields that are ready to be sampled and set the measurements (e.g. grid size, sampling depth). Before creating and assigning out the sampling jobs, users can choose a laboratory, such as Down to Earth Labs or Regen Ag Labs and a lab test suite relevant to the chosen lab, so that when a sampler completes a sampling job, the laboratory automatically gets notified with the sampling job information and the sample location for each barcode. For more information, see the tutorial below.
Once your lab has processed the samples, the results automatically get uploaded into Agworld. If a user has chosen to process the results for precision, the results can be turned into a prescription after coming back into Agworld.
Agworld continually works on expanding the number of testing laboratories and other partners that are integrated with the Agworld ecosystem in order to cater for the demand of our expanding customer base. Agworld clients save a lot of time on processing their soil samples and they consistently tell us that we’re making their fall routines a lot more simple. I’d love to make sure that you experience these same benefits this fall - so please give me a call on +1 724 249 6753 if you have any questions or if you’d like some additional training on soil sampling with Agworld!