When it comes to voluntary farm and environmental stewardship, I believe that there aren't many industries further ahead of the pack than the Australian cotton industry. Now, I am definitely biased as I was part of this fantastic industry prior to joining Agworld, but because of this I'm also intricately familiar with the myBMP program and how it shapes the industry's attitude and practices on a daily basis. I am very much a proponent of voluntary programs such as myBMP, as this demonstrates to the community that growers are committed to the highest possible social and environmental standards without the need for government regulation. I'm proud of the role that Agworld plays in simplifying the process for cotton growers to attain this myBMP certification.

Over 90% of all agronomic recommendations in the Australian cotton industry get created through Agworld already, and many cotton growers use Agworld to create their field records as it's much easier to turn an existing agronomic recommendation on Agworld into a field record, than having to create one from scratch in a different program or on paper. The best part for these growers that already use Agworld is that the data they create on the platform can help them meet a number of myBMP requirements that can otherwise be very time-consuming to fulfil. So which requirements are these?
myBMP requirements fulfilled through Agworld
- Standardized record keeping - Keep a digital record of everything that happens on your fields such as:
- Pesticide application details
- Weather and more
- Ready to export information in a standard or custom report
- If your agronomist already uses Agworld, this is as simple as a click of a button to convert their recommendation straight into a field record. Compliance made simple!
- A detailed and interactive farm map - With Agworld's detailed and interactive farm map, you can use pins to identify hazards such as chem sheds, fuel location, powerlines and sensitive areas. You can also add notes in the pins for emergency contact details for relevant neighbors / employees. Choose whether to invite key staff and contractors to your Agworld account, or print / export maps in a few clicks.
- Product safety information at your fingertips - Agworld's product library gives your team offline access to critical product labels and safety information. This is all managed for you in a standardized database; you don't need to upload or manually save any product labels, SDS or active ingredient information.

An increasing number of Australian cotton growers are becoming myBMP certified, as it gives them access to premium global markets, makes their businesses more efficient, profitable and safe, and aids responsible land management through cutting-edge management practices. Utilizing digital platforms such as Agworld has removed barriers like time and duplication which has helped to increase the uptake of myBMP certified cotton growers throughout the country.
Search product labels with Agworld DBX
A reliable source of plant protection chemical label data so that you can find the information you need for managing weeds, pests and diseases in a safe and effective way. Download product labels and SDSs
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Are you a cotton grower that wants to know more about using your data (or collaborating with your agronomist to leverage what they create) on the Agworld platform for myBMP certification? You can contact either the Agworld support team (1 724 249 6753) or the Cotton Australia myBMP Office (1800 268 866) for more information and assistance.