Agworld has long focused exclusively on the cropping side of agriculture, with the Agworld ecosystem catering to growers, agronomists, financial advisors, bankers and other stakeholders involved in value add services to the crop production process. For the first 11 years of our existence as a company this made a lot of sense, as it has allowed us to focus our development efforts and resources on optimising our service offering for the cropping industry. Over the past 2+ years we have received an increased number of requests from mixed farm operations, who raise livestock and grow crops, asking us to open up our ecosystem for livestock as well.
We haven’t rushed into adding livestock functionality to our ecosystem, as we recognize that creating digital tools for livestock is specialized and completely different to catering for the cropping industry. However, we did want to deliver some functionality for farmers whose farming operations were primarily cropping and secondarily livestock. There are currently no ‘Cloud’ based data driven ecosystems in existence that fully cater to mixed farmers to the extent needed. Saying that, Agworld realizes the hassle it is for these farmers to use two separate systems at the same time, so we have decided to start integrating some specific livestock functionality into the Agworld ecosystem.

The basic step we have taken on this journey is to extend the range of existing pins and add livestock pin types. Most mixed cropping farmers tell us that they want to keep Agworld’s elaborate cropping functionality, but… ‘I just want to be able to see where my mobs of sheep and cattle are’. So, we have now made it so you can use different pins for the types of animals that you raise, locate them, move them and also add notes about them in the fields where they are currently grazing. You’ll also see that there are other new pins available in Agworld for the locations of troughs, water tanks, sheds and many other items of interest. These new pin types are the most-requested functionality by mixed cropping enterprises, which is why this is the first offering in Agworld.
We are however, already working on the next steps. How good would it be if you could monitor your water tank levels, Flexi-N tank levels, weather stations, soil moisture levels or any other IOT device driven data source straight from Agworld? No more need to use a plethora of apps for all those different pieces of information on your iPhone or iPad, but visualize all your critical data right here in Agworld!
Stay tuned for more information on the expected launch towards the end of April…!
Lastly, while we believe there are some limited basic livestock items that we should deliver, Agworld will continue to focus on cropping. So if you are primarily a livestock enterprise, then we encourage you to talk with us as we are happy to help you select the best digital solution that delivers the outcomes your enterprise needs moving forward such as AgriWebb.
If you have any questions on how the Agworld system supports mixed farming operations, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free demonstration or 7-day trial of Agworld!