30 July 2018

Agworld helps growers go paperless

Agworld and Partners in Grain WA (PinG WA) have recently unveiled their exciting new partnership which will see them support the delivery of paperless farm office workshops to seven communities in the Western Australian Wheatbelt. Agworld and PinG both recognize that data management is a key growth area that has the potential to contribute significantly to increased productivity and profitability of farming businesses.

Agworld is always on the lookout for local partnerships that can help educate and inform growers on key topics that are set to transform the future of farming. Agworld Australia General Manager Simon Foley comments: “We feel that partnering up with organisations such as PinG is ultimately in the interest of everyone involved. We are able to assist PinG with our expertise in data management and locally based knowledge of the farming industry to help shape the content of these workshops so that growers get the most out of the time they dedicate to visiting these workshops.”

Both PinG and Agworld put growers first and are dedicated to strengthening farm business sustainability and profitability and are therefore well suited to be partners in this space. Growers don’t always realise yet what the power of data is, but in order to ‘future-proof’ their farm, it is of high importance to growers to learn more about this. Agworld CEO Doug Fitch, at the 2018 GRDC Farm Business Update in Cunderdin in February, noted that growers are increasingly going to use their smartphones and other technology to capture data and then use this data to measure and improve their metrics.

Mr Fitch added: “Where this is all actually going to go is data driven farming; the Agworld platform is starting to link into systems of other vendors like John Deere, agronomists and accountants for example. We then see a two-way flow of data that is going to present insights in relation to the part of the farming operation that they service. All this data is then going to form trends, which allows growers to benchmark themselves against colleagues in the same area on a real-time basis.”

It is without a doubt that data platforms such as Agworld already play a major role in many farming operations, and the Agworld - PinG partnership is another step towards getting more growers involved in digital farming. Other partnerships, such as the recently announced PestFax partnership for example, are already making a big difference to growers and are helping them to understand and benefit from the big-data revolution.

Interested in attending a workshop? View workshop dates and register online at PING WA

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